Haim Saban: Ay Yi-Yi-Yi Yi !!!
Labels: Human Frailty, Humor, Invitations to be a royal eff-up, Justified Paranoia, Mega Man Effing 9, ThingsThat Make Real Life Seem Like Noir, Wikipedia
Labels: Human Frailty, Humor, Invitations to be a royal eff-up, Justified Paranoia, Mega Man Effing 9, ThingsThat Make Real Life Seem Like Noir, Wikipedia
Each year, the New York Times presents in-house awards, called the Punch Awards, to recognize great contributions from the staff. This year they quite rightly recognize the inventor of The Big Picture, the genius Boston Globe-hosted photography weblog. Unfortunately, the owners of the Times are forced to note that staffer Alan Taylor (a software engineer) “developed and promoted the blog largely on his own time.” Perhaps in the future the newspaper company will encourage the development of their most successful products on, say, staff time.
Labels: Depressing Things, I blame the free market, Images of Note, It's the Economy, Things I Blog To Remind Myself I Have A Soul And Care About Things, What The Shit Is This Shit
Orwell’s explanation, given a few years later in “The Road to Wigan Pier” (which is a far more sociological and political book, about the unemployed poor in northern England), connects the experience to his years as an imperial cop in Burma:
I was conscious of an immense weight of guilt that I had got to expiate. I suppose that sounds exaggerated; but if you do for five years a job that you thoroughly disapprove of, you will probably feel the same…I felt that I had got to escape not merely from imperialism but from every form of man’s dominion over man. I wanted to submerge myself, to get right down among the oppressed; to be one of them and on their side against their tyrants. And, chiefly because I had had to think everything out in solitude, I had carried my hatred of oppression to extraordinary lengths. At that time failure seemed to me to be the only virtue. Every suspicion of self-advancement, even to “succeed” in life to the extent of making a few hundreds a year, seemed to me spiritually ugly, a species of bullying.[Via The New Yorker]
Labels: Invitations to be a royal eff-up, Literary, My Lousy Process, On a personal note ...
Labels: Depressing Things, Explanations, Human Frailty, I Know Nothing About Music, Movies, Sexiness
Labels: Explanations, Humor
This poem ["The Comedian as the Letter C"] was indeed the accomplishment of an extremist in the exercise, an act almost of aesthetic terrorism in a society whose post-puritan recrudescence had recently (1919) introduced Prohibition. It was also, as I have tried to suggest, a repudiation of several of the precious tenants of literary Modernism, in its unorthodoxy with regard to location and locution — no wonder Stevens and Hemingway came to blows! Although the heightened consciousness of the materiality of his linguistic medium might link Steven's poem to radical experimenters such as [Gertrude] Stein, the willed anachronism of its lexicon, and the old-fashionedness of its blank verse and the basic narrative shape, suggest a more traditionalist poetics. It is almost as if the poem had been expressly designed to appeal to nobody at all[...]Post-puritan recrudescence! The willed anachronism of its lexicon! Complex ideas wrought more complex through the wit of formal linguistic expression! God, I miss the ivory tower
Labels: Explanations, Humor
Labels: Cartooning, Humor, On a personal note ...
Labels: Explanations, Humor
Labels: I am sick of tagging these posts for now, I do it anyway though, I Know Nothing About Music, Sound bites