Great Moments In Manufactured Youth Culture
Labels: Depressing Things, Explanations, Human Frailty, Humor, I blame the free market, Images of Note, Things I Blog To Remind Myself I Have A Soul And Care About Things
Labels: Depressing Things, Explanations, Human Frailty, Humor, I blame the free market, Images of Note, Things I Blog To Remind Myself I Have A Soul And Care About Things
Labels: Explanations, Human Frailty, Humor, On a personal note ...
Labels: correlation does not imply causation, Creeptastic, Human Frailty, Humor, Just Wow, Justified Paranoia, Movies, On a personal note ..., TV, What The Shit Is This Shit, Zoo Animals
Labels: Explanations, Fig Leaves, Humor, Is that Latin?, Not Kevin Smith Related, Sound bites, TV, Zoo Animals
Labels: The Hidden Persuaders, TV
Labels: Advertising, Explanations, Humor, What The Shit Is This Shit
Labels: I Know Nothing About Music, Is that Latin?, Things That Make Real Life Seem Worth Living
But because this is a Washington Post editorial by a "reasonable" Republican no criticism of the conservative movement may be proffered without a "pox on both houses" attack on Democrats for doing the exact same thing, all the time, but worse.Thanks for this, Pareene. [via Gawker]
Because Nancy Pelosi (D-Boogeyman) accused town hall disrupters of "carrying swastikas" (they were). And because unnamed "liberal antiwar protests" were chock-full of Hitler mustaches. Because Michael Moore said something dumb about the Patriot Act. And because Representative Brian Baird decried "Brownshirt tactics."
Here's the thing about that last one: the people intentionally disrupting town hall events and trying to turn them into anarchic carnivals of rage and possible violence are literally, actually guilty of "Brownshirt tactics."
Both the Nazis and Mussolini had Brownshirts and Blackshirts, their violent followers (many of whom were angry, disenfranchised-feeling war vets resentful of elites), attack socialists and union leaders, often on behalf of capitalists unhappy with leftist governments. Brownshirts marched through socialist strongholds in order to provoke attacks, and then they ginned up more support by holding up those who were attacked as martyrs. Does that sound familiar?
Labels: Creeptastic, Depressing Things, Fascism, Justified Paranoia, Things I Blog To Remind Myself I Have A Soul And Care About Things, What The Shit Is This Shit
Labels: Explanations, Humor, Installation Tits, TV