Saturday, July 05, 2008

Muppets "4th Of July" Viral Video

Genuinely funny. Kinda simultaneously kid-friendly and subversive. (I love this line: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice and [Wait-a-minute I memorized this part. Oh, yes!] and keep the earth safe from ... weirdos.") This isn't the Muppets I grew up with—who were alternately either "babies" or starring in adaptations of mid-shelf English literature.

I'm following this video on Technorati just to find out what the story is with this new Muppet content. If it is in any way related to Jason Segel's promise to the New York Times that he plans to "revive [the Muppets] to their previous glory," then it's an effing success. More on that at Variety.

[Also: another funny America's Birthday video via BeepBoop.]

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