From The Bowels Of The Internet: Animated GIFs
Less-Than-Valuable Lesson, Learned: You can't directly link to the stuff evar. Sorry, readers. This is how I'ma gonna make eet up to you:
I hope this is new to everybody and that it is funny.
I have to say, wading through the dregs of 4chan's smutty, depressing and vulgar animated GIFs section was maybe not worth finding these, but hell I needed a break:
I hope this is new to everybody and that it is funny.
- Long, but worth it. A History of WWII as a told in MMORPG chat dialog
- Novelty award. WhateverTF this is
- Most like what you would expect from the internet. Star Trek: TNG Humor
- Builds in strength over prolonged viewing. Ewoks
- Laziest Jeff Koons Jacko Joke. This one
Labels: 4chan, Not Kevin Smith Related, Really Dumb And I Am Sorry
I can't see these animated .Gifs!!!!
"Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
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